Today we installed a hive in the garden of a church right in the center of the Dupont Circle area. It is the Church of the Pilgrim Presbyterian Church, a beautiful, Gothic styled church.
Here is Minister Ashley Goff posing with the hive into which we will install bees in April. It was hard to think of April with the cold and snow today and a huge ice storm predicted.
She is very enthusistic about getting bees in their garden. They are expanding their veggie gardens this spring with the produce going to their feeding the homeless program.
Can't wait to get them their bees!
I am so glad that you are organizing the DC area towards keeping more bees so quickly! I met with Bread for the City today and they told me you were helping them keep bees this Spring - what great work you are doing! I can't wait to help you with the beekeeping and installations this April and onward. Keep up the great work!